PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

Archive for Publicity – Page 8

Say YES! to Yourself

There was an article this morning on GMA about the new movie, Yes Day, based on the book by Tom Lichtenheld.  In the book, the parents allow their children to make the rules for one day, and the parents have to say “Yes” to (almost) all requests.

This sounds like a wonderful idea for parent/child bonding.  The article also got me thinking about some self-bonding and how often we say “no” to the child in each of us, and even to the adult we are.  We can be our own worst enemy with self-doubt and stinkin’ thinkin’ of our own abilities and what others will think of us, giving us fear of failure.  Thus I’m proposing a Yes Day, but a day where we say “Yes” to ourselves. 

Always thought of writing that book?  Say “Yes” today!  Always wanted to call that prospective client?  Say “Yes” today!  Always wanted to record that video/podcast?  Say “Yes” today!  Whatever thought pops into your head today, say “Yes” today!

One of the rules of Yes Day, according to Lichtenheld, is that none of the requests the children make can affect the future, i.e. no getting piercings, no getting pets, nothing that will last longer than 24 hours.  Which is fine for parent/child bonding; but I say the opposite should be true for self-bonding.  You should so something that will affect your future and last a lot longer than 24 hours.

Since we are in the season of Lent, I’m reminded of what the Pastor of the Episcopal church I attended during college used to preach.  He said we should use these 40 days not to deprive ourselves (not to give up chocolate which we’ll go right back to), but to start a new habit; start to exercise, start to volunteer with a charity of your choice.  Start a new behavior that will last long past Easter.

So, what will you say “Yes” to yourself to, for today!

Same Time Last Year

This weekend I’ll be “attending” the Indie Books International (IBI) IFF Forum.  It’s not unusual for PR/PR to help promote an event we are sponsoring, we do it all the time with NSA, IMC USA, and Stage Time University, etc.  What makes this event unusual this year is that it’s the last event I attended in person last year at their location; and, it’s IBI’s first virtual event. 

Despite this being a private event (you must either have published a book with IBI or be in the process of publishing a book with IBI to be invited), I feel it’s worth promoting simply because I believe in IBI so much.  I think everyone who’s thinking about and/or actually writing a business book should work with them.  Not only do you have wonderful people like Henry DeVries, Mark LaBlanc, and Devin DeVries at the helm, but they’ve got an incredible support team of talented people working for you.

Now, you probably already know that I have a bias, as IBI published my first book, Sell Yourself Without Saying A Word.  Well, that process went so smoothly that I’m having them publish my next book (soon to be listed on Amazon!).  This one is more of a personal book, One For The Road, but over the years I’ve developed a more personal relationship with the DeVries family, so it seems only natural.  I’ve sent many clients, colleagues, friends, and family members to them for one of Henry’s famous “no-cost book strategy sessions,” something he calls a BookChat.  You should contact him, as well!

Although I’d love to be in San Diego and see my friends face-to-face, having the Forum virtually will still allow us to collaborate and cross-promote and that helps us all to be more successful as authors and speakers!  See you online! 

Benefits of Being Boutique

Nearly 10 years ago when I purchased PR/PR from its Founder, Pam Lontos, my plan was to not grow the agency.  My plan was to maintain the intimate nature of our work and our relationships with our clients.  I never wanted 500 agents and 10,000 clients occupying several floors of a downtown office building.  I never wanted to have to scream, “Bring me their file!” if a client called.  I know our sweet-spot is 20-25 clients at one time, and I want to maintain that.  I like saying, “PR/PR is a boutique agency that specializes in Speakers, Consultants, and Non-Fiction Authors.”

Recently, this has come into question.  I was talking to a potential client consultant the other day, who quickly made it clear he was far more interested in selling me his services than he was interested in learning about mine (thanks, LinkedIn!).  He spent nearly 30 minutes explaining to me that the only way I could stay in business was to grow, expand, add services, build up the business! When I made it clear this is not what I wanted, he abruptly ended the call, which I really didn’t mind.

Frankly, I like what I do and the way I do it.  I only want to work with people I want to work with.  I don’t want to have to take on a client just to make the bottom line better.  I like doing what I say I’m going to do for a client.  It’s very important to me to be able to continue to say 100% of our clients get placements!

“Public Relations Producing Results” is more than just a tagline for PR/PR.  It allows me to walk into the next NSA, or IMC USA, or Stage Time University, or Indie Friends and Family, and other events with my head held high, knowing that anyone I’ve worked with from those organizations got what they paid for and that benefited their business.

Happy (belated) President’s Day, I’m 50 Years Late

I was today many years old when I learned why Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays were lumped together to make President’s Day.  I always remember knowing it was to make a three-day weekend to give federal workers more time off, but I didn’t know until today that is was part of the 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act

The Act, initially proposed by labor unions and the travel industry, also affected Labor Day, Memorial Day, and Columbus Day.  It originally included Veteran’s Day, but veteran’s groups lobbied that their day should remain on November 11th, which is also Armistice Day, regardless of the day of the week, and that’s why that holiday remains a floating one. 

When Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established in 1983 it was the first holiday to be created after the Uniform Holiday Act, and thus was not on his actual birthday of January 15th, but the third Monday in January instead.

Although the Act doesn’t officially call the third Monday in February as “President’s Day,” because so many states were celebrating both Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays, a date as close to the middle between them was selected. 

Even though four chief executives: George Washington, William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan were born in February, it is impossible for their birthday to coincide with President’s Day.  Their birthdays are either too early or too late in the month for this to work out. 

So, for every banker and government worker who enjoys the three-day weekend, there is a school child who’s missing out on having two days off in February and now only gets one.  However, most kids who were in school in 1971 surely must have graduated by now. 


Winning Isn’t Everything, Saying IT is!

I do enjoy the spectacle of the Super Bowl.  The pageantry, the stage management, the commercials, the half time show; but, one of the things I most look forward to is seeing who’s going to say it

The it in this case, is the “what’s next?” question being asked of sporting heroes and MVPs since 1987: 

“[name], you’ve just won [sporting event], what are you doing next?”  The winner of course answers, “I’m Going To Disney…!”

The first person to get the opportunity was Phil Simms, New York Giants Quarterback, after they won Super Bowl XXI.  To hedge their bets, Disney also paid John Elway of the Denver Broncos the same $75,000 to say the tag line just in case his team won.  Since then, the pay has gone down to a reported $30,000, and the sport has gone beyond football to include many types of event winners such as: basketball, yacht racing, Miss America, and Santa Claus! 

Disney also plays both coasts by having the winner say two versions, “I’m going to Disneyland!” and “I’m going to Disney World!” so they can air the spots in different markets. 

The campaign hasn’t always worked out that well for the theme parks or the winner.  In 1994, Winter Olympics figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was recorded saying, “This is dumb. I hate it. This is the most corniest thing I have ever done.” Also, because of a murder trial he was involved in the previous year, SB XXXV MVP Ray Lewis was bypassed for the honor/arium. 

One of the best publicity aspects of the campaign came just last year when the tag line was recorded during the MVP ceremony while the NFL and Walt Disney Company made a joint million-dollar donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation so many children could “Go To Disney…!”