In our current state of chaos, it can be difficult to still the noise. The news comes fast and furious these days, with each headline confusing the previous headline and making it near impossible to find some sense of clarity.
There’s a gulf of division in our nation, one that seems to increase in each passing day. When neighbors are fighting with neighbors, friends are fighting with friends, families are fighting with families, it helps to peer back and revisit words that calmed an angry nation.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
You probably saw that quote across your Facebook feeds yesterday—Martin Luther King Day. It’s one that’s especially prescient now, and one that should be held close during this time of rage, outrage, pettiness and paranoia. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words should be remembered on MLK Day and every day—a reminder that at even amidst the acrimony we’re all in this together.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Those are surely words to live by, and words to carry close when it feels like things keep getting worse.
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