PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

Be Aware of the Blue Buckets

Happy Halloweek! While we topped out at 90(!!!) degrees yesterday, the decorations are out in full force and so will the trick-or-treaters on Thursday evening. You may have seen news stories pop across your Facebook newsfeed drawing awareness to those costumed participants carrying blue buckets, so we’re going to talk about that a bit in today’s blog. Campaigns for social…

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Twitter Looks to Battle Deepfakes

It’s still hot and humid here in Florida, which is more of a bug than a feature of our autumn weather here in Orlando. The leaves don’t really change down this way, but we’ve got our fingers crossed that the weather will relent sooner than later. On the topic of things not being as they should be, let’s discuss something…

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The Battle for Your Ears

We’ve all seen the rapidly changing pace of the tech industry, but we’re now hearing it, too. Yes, I’m talking about the market ever-competitive market for earbuds, which aren’t just about listening to your favorite playlist anymore. Always-listening smart assistants, email platform compatibility—these are just a couple of the features that are transforming the earbud landscape. Apple’s AirPods changed the…

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Let’s Go to Mars!

Want to head to Mars? Of course you do, you world traveler, you. What about the Moon? You’ve seen those fuzzy images and videos from the 1960’s and 1970’s, so how would it sound to have some high-definition shots? If extra-Earth travel sounds like a swell idea to you, then you’re likely already aware of this week’s news: Elon Musk…

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Join Us for IMC USA’s Consult-Con 2019

IMC USA is one of our favorite events that we earmark on the calendar, and we’re nearing the date for 2019’s Consult-Con—three days of speakers, networking, information and career enrichment. This year’s Institute of Management Consultants conference will be held in beautiful Dallas, Texas, at the Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum on Friday, October 4th through Sunday, October 6th. 2019’s theme, “Vrooom!!…

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Facebook Looking into Removing “Likes” from Newsfeeds

Both Twitter and Instagram have been toying with the idea of removing “likes” from posts on their main newsfeed, and it seems that Facebook may be following suit. Facebook is looking into taking “likes” out of the equation, making them only visible to the user on their own profile. This would obviously mark a major shift in the way the…

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