I’d be remiss if I didn’t begin this blog with an emphatic, “How ‘bout them Atlanta Falcons?!” Headed to the NFC Championship Game for only the fourth time in Falcons’ history; win or lose, Sunday promises to be special.
Atlanta may not be known for its sports successes, but it’s certainly renowned as a geographic flashpoint in the Civil Rights Movement. The birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and home of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, where he and his father were pastors, the City of Atlanta played a significant role in the struggle for social change.
Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day to reflect on the efforts of a man—in the face of dire opposition—to fight for equality for all. From buses boycotts in Montgomery to marches in Selma, Dr. King exemplified steel-spined resilience, a full-hearted dedication to the battle for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for all Americans.
In an increasingly divided nation, it is imperative that we hearken back to Martin Luther King Jr.’s words and actions. We must reinforce our resolve against individuals and groups that would seek sow discord and carve chasms between Americans. Dr. King’s deeds are forever important, but they may not be as important as they are right now.
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