PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

Read This, You’ll Learn Something…

My mother would often come into my room while I was doing homework and turn the radio down.  She’d say, “How can you learn anything with all that noise?!”  My response was always that I learn better with music, that it helps me recall what I’ve read, I play the tune in my head and the information comes back to…

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I’ll Be Seeing You…really, I mean it!

Billie Holiday, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra – these are all very big names in the music industry.  If you were a songwriter/record producer in the last century and you could have had even one of them record your song, you would’ve had a hit on your hands.  These are just three of the dozens of artists who recorded Sammy Fain’s…

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No Bad Dogs, Only Sad Looks

In the many great debates in society, fortunately, there is still one that isn’t polarizing.  You can’t talk religion or politics, but you can still talk dogs vs cats!  Both are wonderful! Personally, I’m a dog person.  Cats are great, don’t get me wrong, and the cat my parents had when they retired was very special to us all.  However,…

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Forego Permission, Forget Forgiveness

I don’t know why it didn’t sink in as a kid, I remember learning about it at school.  And, as an adult I’ve traveled to and toured Boston, Philadelphia (several times), Washington DC (several times), and other Colonial hotspots on the Eastern Seaboard.  So then, why was I about this many days old when it finally sunk into me that…

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You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught…

Besides the premiere of Hamilton on Disney+ in a couple of weeks, Tony Award™ winner Leslie Odom Jr. has made the news recently for something he said, not something he did.  While recording a bedtime story for his daughter he flubbed a line and dropped the f-bomb.  And, of course, his toddler daughter heard it and repeated it.   He and…

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See Ya’ Later, Oscar

In today’s world events and gatherings being postponed is nothing new.  One of my favorite events, Stage Time Live, has been postponed from March to June and now will be held in August.  Personal events, such as weddings and graduations have been put off down the calendar as well.  Directly because of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Academy of Motion Picture…

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