One of my favorite quotes is by one of my favorite authors. Really, I’ve loved him since I was a kid. With all due respect, I’m going to bend his words a bit. This has been the year no one expected. When I made a quick trip from Orlando to Manhattan back in January, I had no idea what the rest of year had instore. However, I still truly believe that when it comes to 2020, the following applies:
“Don’t cry that it’s over, be Thankful that it happened at all!” ~ Dr. Seuss
There is a lot to be Thankful for this year, in spite of the overwhelming circumstances worldwide. Babies were born, graduations happened, weddings (hopefully sensible, social distanced, non-super spreader ceremonies) took place. Many people have been very productive during the pandemic, my friend Henry DeVries at Indie Books International tells me his publishing company is up 30% this year. While others have survived the best way they know how, and surviving is something to be the most Thankful for.
It won’t be a Rockwell Thanksgiving, you really shouldn’t have that many people around one table, indoors, this year. But still, there are many reasons to be Thankful. Among these, for me, are my clients and colleagues.
As Kelly Clarkson sings, “So I’m Thankful for the blessings and the lessons that I have learned from you.”
Happy Thanksgiving!
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