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Use the Force!

Can you hear the iconic opening theme? Can you see the yellow block letters fading off into a celestial backdrop? It’s been 10 long years, but this week, we finally get a new Star Wars film—and it’s looking like it will be the biggest blockbuster of the year.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens hits theatres on Friday (with many screens holding Thursday showings). After a decade of pining for a new release and attempting to decode the reasoning behind Jar Jar Binks’ existence, fans of the iconic franchise will experience a new chapter in a galaxy far, far away. A certifiable tent city was erected outside of the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles over a week ago, as a group of brave and dedicated souls began lining up to secure their spot for opening night.

Suffice to say: people are excited.

The social media stratosphere has been abuzz with Star Wars-centric activity in the week leading up to the release of The Force Awakens, with enthusiasts engaging across Twitter and Facebook with trivia questions and videos. Along with the box office numbers, the online activity is sure to be reported as some of the highest numbers to ever follow a film release.

George Lucas’ franchise revolutionized the cultural landscape, and now J.J. Abrams’ incarnation is poised to do the same. Regardless of which side you support, in the fight between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, we’re all winners in the end.