PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

This Month Our Clients Have Been Featured In…

This Month Our Clients Have Been Featured In…

Law Office Administrator – JoAn Majors on “Delivering Tough Conversations”
Sacramento News & Review – Dr. Kyle Scott on “Redemption Movement/Republic for the United States”

Some of our clients’ articles have been published in:

Advance for Long-Term Care Management
Golf Business
Fluid Power Journal
Bulldog Reporter
OTC Beauty Magazine
Kansas City Nursing News
Condominium Manager Magazine
Network Marketing Business Journal
Monument Builders News
Island Sun Times
Hardwood Floors
Business Today
Advance for NPs and PAs
Glass Patterns Quarterly
The Virginia Engineer
Healthcare Quarterly