PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

Publicity Opportunities

Publicity Opportunities

If your expertise fits any of these topics, send out a press release to newspaper, television and radio stations, or call up the media directly! For example, if you are an expert on financial planning, let the media know about January, which is Financial Wellness Month! Share your advice and expertise on how to establish financial balance.

Use these dates to create your own media opportunities:

–        January is Book Blitz Month – This was created to focus the attention on improving the relationships between authors and the media to establish a best-selling book.

–        January is International New Years Resolution Month for Businesses – Designed to set in motion a successful year by focusing on public relations and marketing efforts guaranteed to steer you into having a successful year.

–        The first week in January is Diet Resolutions week – The goal of this week is to emphasize the importance of watching your weight by paying attention to the type, not amount, of food you eat.

–         January 1 is New Years Day – Created to celebrate the first day of the year and a time for making new resolutions.

–        January 21is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Observed) This day was created to recognize the Black Civil Rights Leader and his advocacy through the Civil Rights movement.