So the holiday season has officially kicked into high-gear (although I feel like I began seeing Christmas decorations in my peripheral back in August, but this may just be a personal problem.) With Thanksgiving a day away, I’ve decided to mix things up a bit: I present to you a comprehensive list of things that we at PR/PR are thankful for:
Russell Trahan:
In no particular order, the top three things I’m thankful for this year are:
1. My health, I’m relatively healthy for my age
2. My relatives, they are a healthy distance away
3. Amanda, Lindsay and Carter. Without these three, I wouldn’t have all the other things (like happy clients) I’m thankful for but can’t mention since we’re limiting this to three.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Amanda Tucker:
1. My health
2. York peppermint patties* (blog manager’s note: this is no surprise)
3. Friends & family
Lindsay Durfee:
I am grateful:
1. (This time of year especially) for the great weather in FL. No snow!
2. That my family all live close by (but not too close!)
3. That my husband likes to cook
Carter Breazeale:
1. Manning the blog means I can list as many things I’m thankful for as I want and elaborate ad nauseam. Take that, office-mates!
2. Jason Segel championing for and writing a brand new Muppets movie. Seriously-this just may make the holiday season for me. Nothing says, ‘great time’ like Animal.
3. Energy Fusion coffee at 7-11. Extra caffeine AND Guarana?! This rocket-fuel analogue is a certifiable godsend. Expense reports never seemed so exciting at 9:00am!
4. The Internet! A never-ending channel for information, inside jokes and the panacea for my directional maladies. A man never asks for directions. When in doubt: Google it.
5. My nephew and niece. Little balls of energy. They both keep me entertained and exhausted for hours on end. Watching a child figure the world out one moment at a time is astounding.
6. Chipotle burritos. Take everything that makes you happy. Put it in a tortilla. Adorn with copious amounts of Tabasco sauce. Smile for the remainder of the day, even if someone cuts you off in traffic.
7. My PR/PR family. What an enjoyable work environment. The lighthearted environment I walk into every morning makes coming to work a blessing; something everyone should be lucky enough to experience on a daily basis.
8. The Atlanta Braves. The bane of my existence year in and year out since I was old enough to comprehend what ‘failure’ was, and yet I cannot help feeling a renewed sense of hope come every April. By July I will be cursing their name far and wide and regretting their inclusion on this list.
9. Jeff Mangum and Neutral Milk Hotel. This man’s music was the soundtrack to my high school years. Everyone should own a copy of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, or at least listen to it once in their life. Thankful he got over his agoraphobic paranoia and has begun playing live music again. See you in Atlanta in February!
I sincerely hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
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