PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: The Annual Apple Event

Summer is nearly over and fall is a couple of weeks away, so that means one thing: it’s Apple announcement time! The tech giant’s biggest event of the year kicks off today at 1:00 pm EST, and Apple is expected to unveil the iPhone 11 for the first time. Gadgetheads: Get ready. Apple traditionally rolls out a new slate of…

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Holiday Season Myths, and prayers for The Bahamas

Below is the blog post I wrote last week to post today.  Since then, thousands of lives have been changed forever and millions more are awaiting the (hopeful) news that their lives won’t change.  I’m talking about, of course, Hurricane Dorian that stalled over The Bahamas this weekend as the largest storm in recorded history.  We at PR/PR pray for…

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Twitter Devolved into a Brand Battle Over Chicken Sandwiches

Where were you during The Great Chicken Sandwich Wars of 2019? If you’re still a bit shaken and apprehensive about logging on to Twitter, I don’t blame you—it got pretty rough out there. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s okay, too; this intrepid blogger is here to fill you in on all of the details. Last…

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The Weaponization of Social Media in Hong Kong Protests

The upheaval in Hong Kong has captured the world’s attention, as it should. In response to Hong Kong’s consideration of a new extradition bill from Beijing, thousands from the semi-autonomous region of China have taken to the streets in response to what they see as an authoritative move from the Beijing government. There’s been weeks of marches, a two-day shutdown…

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Facebook to rebrand WhatsApp & Instagram

When your social media platform has been the subject of investigations, congressional hearings, front page stories, and forced to pay fines for privacy lapses, well, sometimes a slight rebrand is in order. That’s what Facebook is doing with two of its biggest social assets, Instagram and WhatsApp. Facebook has been under fire for quite some time, and in a move…

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Our Hearts with El Paso & Dayton

El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, were rocked by mass shootings over the weekend. 22 people were murdered by a gunman on Saturday in El Paso, and less than 24 hours later nine people would be shot and killed outside of a bar in Dayton. There have been 255 mass shootings so far this year—a year that’s only 218 days…

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