PR/PR is a full-service boutique publicity agency specializing in professional speakers, consultants, and non-fiction authors. We place our clients in front of their target audience through print media and online sources.

I’m Gonna Tell…

As kids we’re told, “no one likes a tattletale.”  The people saying that were usually the ones being tattled on, the ones doing the wrong that the tattler was pointing out, to the power-that-be, so the wrong doing could be stopped.  So, what’s wrong with being a Tattletale? In a post-9/11 world the “see something, say something” mantra became an…

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Same Cooler Weather, Different Warm Memories

Well, it’s October now.  The start of the holiday season.  We’re into Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas and Hanukah, then New Year’s, then, etc.  Some say the holiday season begins after Labor Day, and Macy’s has Christmas trees up in August, but I like to wait until October. The holidays will be different this year.  That’s an understatement.  Kids will…

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in·teg·ri·ty noun the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Let’s be honest with each other, integrity is waning these days.  It’s sad how it has almost become normalized to expect people to lie, cheat, and steal.  It used to be that when you dealt with a person without integrity they would stand out, these days…

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What You May Not Know About Let My People Go!

Today, September 22, 2020, is considered the 158th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation! But, as a recent article pointed out, January 1st could be considered the anniversary as well.   The article also educated me on several things I didn’t know.  Including: The Emancipation Proclamation was used to confirm the point of the Civil War. Prior to President Lincoln issuing the…

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The Means Do Not Justify The Extremes

We’ve created this mess ourselves.  We didn’t necessarily intentionally create the mess, but we created, and then fed into, the means that created the mess.  Since World War II everything for the American consumer to consume needed to be bigger, brighter, faster, better, new and improved – sadly, this includes our need for sensationalism and celebrity status.  By now you…

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It’s OK to Reinvent Your Own Wheel.

It seems like almost everyday another remake is announced.  It could be the reboot of a TV show, a new version of a past-hit movie, or the revival of a popular musical.  Every time another remake is announced around my house we always say, “Well, Hollywood/Broadway is dead.  There are no new ideas!”  Then, a thought occurred to me over…

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